eBook - Theory, Algorithms and Applications

Erschienen am 05.10.2007, Auflage: 2/2007
173,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783540727156
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 340 S., 15.19 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


After the first edition of this book was published at the end of 2003, I was very happy to put the hard work of book writing behind me and concentrate myself with my small team on the development of a multi-functional GPS/Galileo software (MFGsoft). The experiences from the practice and the implementation of the theory and algorithms into the high standard software gave me a strong feeling that I would very much like to revise and to supplement the original book, to modify parts of the contents and to - port on the new progress and knowledge. Furthermore, with the EU Galileo system now being realised and the Russian GLONASS system under development; the GPS theory and algorithms should be re-described so that they are also valid for the Galileo and GLONASS systems. Therefore, I am grateful to all of the readers of this book, whose int- est made it possible so that the Springer asked me to complete this second edition. I remember that I was in a hurry during the last check of the layout of the first edition. The description of a numerical solution of the variation equation in Sect. 11. 5. 1 was added to the book at the last minute in a limited extension of exactly one page.


Guochang Xu graduated in mathematics and geodesy from Wuhan University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 1982 and 1984 respectively. He obtained his doctorate from the Technical University Berlin in 1992. Having worked as a scientist at the GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) Potsdam from 1993 to 1998 and as a senior scientist at the National Survey and Cadastre, Denmark, from 1998 to 1999, he returned to the GFZ as a senior scientist in 1999. He has been involved in GPS research since 1993 and has authored and co-authored several books and software. He is also an overseas assessor of CAS and the Chinese Education Ministry and an adjunct professor of ChangAn University and CAS.


Coordinate and Time Systems.- Satellite Orbits.- GPS Observables.- Physical Influences of GPS Surveying.- GPS Observation Equations and Equivalence Properties.- Adjustment and Filtering Methods.- Cycle Slip Detection and Ambiguity Resolution.- Parameterisation and Algorithms of GPS Data Processing.- Applications of GPS Theory and Algorithms.- Perturbed Orbit and its Determination.- Discussions.

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